Aluminium treadplate Introduction:
Aluminium treadplate can be used for a wide range of construction and structural purposes; this is because of its lightweight, dayanıklı, low maintenance quality. Its non-slip element allows it to be widely used as vehicle flooring and industry flooring due to its practical and decorative function.
Aluminium Treadplate specification:
Aluminium Treadplate |
alaşım |
3003, 5052/5251 |
öfke |
H14/24 |
Kalınlık (mm) |
1.6mm to 6.0mm |
Genişlik (mm) |
1200, 1500mm |
Uzunluk (mm) |
2400, 3000, 3600, 6000mm |
Sona ermek |
5 Bar Mill finish (5052/5251), 1 Bar Propeller bright finish (3003) |
Aluminium Treadplate application:
Aluminium Treadplate Mainly used in Construction , dekorasyon,ambalajlama, baskı, kaplama malzemesi,boru tesisatı, elektronik elemanlar, yönlendirme, klima, otomobil, and so on.this alloy aluminum in the main alloy elements as magnesium and siddcon, orta güçte, iyi korozyon direnci, weldabiddty, oksidasyon etkisi iyidir. Widely appdded to the requirements of a certain strength and antibiotics resistance high range of industrial structure, kamyon imalatı gibi, kule binası, gemi, tren, demiryolu araçları, mobilya, vb.